We’ve been back in the UK for 4 months now. I like to think I’m fairly well balanced emotionally yet I am only recently at the point where my heart doesn’t do a little flip and my eyes don’t well up every time I think of a California friend, place or memory.
I’ve been working on avoidance tactics; avoid remembering I ever had a life in California, but it’s not working out so well and anyway, why would I want to forget 24 amazing years. Besides, even in the English countryside, California is everywhere. It’s in the songs that blast out at the gym 🎶 California Girls 🎶 🎵 Hotel California 🎵 🎶 Sitting on the Dock of the Bay 🎶
It’s Californian images and slogans blazoned cross the teeshirts of people wearing their vacation keepsake. It’s our TV screen saver displaying jaw dropping drone footage of Yosemite and it’s TV commercials with cartoon meerkats crossing the Golden Gate Bridge in search of long lost relatives.

Yep, reminders of California are everywhere we turn.
I close my eyes, click the heels of my Wellington boots together 3 times, channel my inner Dorothy and repeat “there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home”. But I don’t know where home is anymore.

That’s beautiful Toni x looking forward to reading more ❤️
Oh, sounds so sad but remember the old folks who no doubt are pleased to see you back. 24 years is a long time so cherish the memories and start to make some new ones back in dear old blighty, despite our current problems it’s still the best place in the world to be, believe me , I’ve seen most of it!! Take care
Hi John, it wasn’t meant to come across as sad, just reflective that change can be challenging and emotional. You are right, England has lots going for it despite its current turmoil and we are enjoying reacquainting ourselves with it. It’s also lovely to spend more time with our family and old friends. Talking of which…we must pay you a visit soon!
It is going to rain in Lafayette tomorrow. See you right at home.