No sign of the volcano this morning, we were lucky to see what we did yesterday. We had an adventurous 3 hour drive to Monteverde on mostly unpaved roads. It was bone shaking but not nearly as bad as we’d been warned.
Mike had a hotel in mind (The Belmar) so we rocked up on the off chance they had a room available. They did and the room was A-Maz-ing! More than we would normally spend but holy cow so worth it; floor to ceiling wrap around windows with views of the cloud forest and Pacific Ocean beyond. What a treat!!

It was hard to leave the comfort of the room but off we went to do a reccie of Monteverde so that we could book for a tour tomorrow morning.
After getting the tour sorted out, we spent an hour at a café by the park entrance mesmerized by the hummingbirds; 9 varieties zipped around us and a cheeky coati brazenly stole their sugar water.

After dragging ourselves away from the hummingbirds we spent the afternoon on our balcony marveling at the view, the birds and lamenting how our life sucks…not!
Happy hour at the hotel was great; homemade beer, appetizers and a great sunset overlooking the cloud forest and ocean. We had a soak in our ginormous tub afterwards and sobered up just in time for dinner which was the best meal we’ve had since we’ve been here.
Fell asleep in our sumptuous bed and slept like babies until our 5:30 am alarm went off…