March 15th 2015 – February 26th 2021

How can a dog have so many names? When he came to us he was Samson, named just a few days before by Golden Gate Lab Rescue. We quickly changed it to Kodi aka Kodiak Bear due to him looking like a big bear. Kodi was also know as Kodi Bear, Special K, Love Bug, Pumpkin Spice, Donut, Dufus to name but a few. Well I guess a dog with such a big personality can command multiple names, all of them were appropriate at any given time.
Kodi had been picked up as a stray on New Years Eve, he was not chipped and no-one came looking for him. He was showing high levels of anxiety (wouldn’t you too?) so the Peninsula Humane Society didn’t want to make him available for adoption but fortunately GGLR convinced the PHS to give them time to find a foster home which they did, but it took 2 long months, that’s a long time to be in doggy jail.
We were convinced we wanted another black lab, to replace our beloved Cooper who had died a few weeks earlier, but when I saw the picture of Kodi in that weeks “available for adoption” posting, one look at those eyes and that big blocky head and I was smitten. Kodi couldn’t have been more different in both looks and personality but he won us over very quickly

I think GGLR were quite happy too. They had interviewed me when I submitted my adoption application and heard of the success we’d had training Cooper. They knew Kodi was a project dog and needed to be placed with people who had time, patience and experience and thank goodness we had these things because Kodi was a challenge to say the least. Despite this he paid us back in spades with love, loyalty and laughter but there’s no denying that he was a lot of work. We were able to work on and improve most of his behavioral issues but some we were never 100% successful with. He was a strong willed and stubborn boy to the very end, you could literally see him digging in his heels and staring at you obstinately. A stubborn senior!
But let’s focus on Kodi’s good characteristics of which there were many.
He loved loved loved his neighborhood walks; the routine, the sights, the smells, oh the smells! He knew he had to sit calmly before we would put his leash on and go out but he’d slip in a few quick 360 degree spins of excitement first. He was always excited for his walk even at the end when just getting down the stairs was a challenge.
He wasn’t a natural mountain trail dog and struggled with distance, heat and rough terrain in the summer but show him a snowy trailhead in the winter and he was beside himself with excitement.

On our first summer backpacking trip with Kodi we jumped into Chewing Gum Lake to cool off and swim and being a loyal pup he followed us in only to sink like a stone. He had absolutely no natural swimming instinct, none. We spent the rest of the afternoon teaching him to swim and by the time we left the next day he pretty much had it down. He became a good swimmer and I loved it when he’d get in the water and swim alongside me. Swimming in a mountain lake with your pup by your side is one of the greatest things.
Chewing Gum Lake became one of our favorite backpacking trips with Kodi particularly in his later years since the distance and elevation was about all he could handle. On one of his last trips to the lake we had hiked in and I knew he was tired and would need the night to rest up before heading out again the next day but a wildfire that had been burning in a different area shifted direction and we were not sure if we were safe. After speaking to other campers in the area most had made the decision to pack up and head back out. It was the right decision but I was so worried about Kodi, it was expecting a lot from him but he seemed to sense all was not well, he mustered all the energy he had and we were back to our car and on the road to safety in no time at all. My heart was full of love and pride for him that night, even more than usual.
We had a tent rule that Kodi had to sleep at our feet all night but as soon as the sun came up he was allowed to join us on our sleep mat for morning cuddles. Every time without fail he would appear in my peripheral vision panting and wagging his tail at the first hint of sunlight, eagerly awaiting tent cuddles. Full moons caused some confusion and he clearly couldn’t understand why I was telling him to go back to bed when I knew it was 2 am but he thought a new day was dawning.
He loved his ball, I mean, really really loved his ball. He had a favorite one and knew if you were trying to switch it out. He’d spin around in circles excitedly waiting for you to throw it and never knew when to stop playing. He wanted everyone to join in and would make sure he alternated who he returned the ball to so that everyone had a chance at some of the fun.
He loved his squirrels too. The cheapest toy we ever bought him was also his favorite. I expected the toy to be destroyed within a few days but they lasted for years, even with daily play. We’d throw the squirrels around the house and he’d retrieve them making them squeak loudly whilst trotting excitedly back into the room. The tree stump part of the toy was his comforter and he’d fall asleep sucking it in an instant, we called it his coma toy.

He owned the quizzical look and watched everything we did with a sometimes unnerving intensity. We’d joke that he was taking everything in ready to come back in his next life as a human but despite his curiosity he could often be as dumb as a rock and a complete clown. A very cute clown though and when police sirens wailed nearby we’d tell Kodi it was the cute police coming to arrest him for being too cute, and he would look at us, quizzically.
Vegetables, he couldn’t get enough of vegetables. We trained Kodi from day one that he had to sit outside the kitchen when we were cooking which he would obediently do but with his paws literally touching the dividing line. Early on I was preparing brocolli for dinner and I became aware of him licking his lips; he looked at the broccoli, looked at me and then licked his lips again. There is no doubt in my mind that dogs know how to communicate with us. As it turned out, it wasn’t just broccoli, he went mad for all veg and did not discriminate but he had a particular love of broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, cabbage and carrots, he just couldn’t get enough. While on the subject of food, and why not, it was after all one of his favorite things, he also loved baked goods which we discovered in his first week when we also discovered he could counter surf – the loaf of bread didn’t stand a chance! Funny enough the counter surfing phase didn’t last and in no time he was so trustworthy around food we wouldn’t think twice about leaving him alone in a room with a low table set with all sorts of tempting treats (did someone say cheeseboard?) confident that it would still be there untouched when we returned. Yes he would be sat looking longingly at the feast before him with drool almost touching the floor and yes he would expect a reward for his restraint but deservedly so. What a good boy.
Kodi always showed his appreciation for being fed. After every meal he would walk up to me and give me a little bump, if I was lucky I’d get a lick on the leg too, I loved getting Kodi bumps.
When the time came to say goodbye, as hard as it was, we gave Kodi the best send off possible. In his last week there was beach camping, a picture perfect sunrise, tent cuddles and many many hours sat together on the front porch just making the most of the time left. For his last day we planned out what we believe would have been his dream menu; scrambled eggs and salmon for breakfast, scones and clotted cream for afternoon tea and a cheeseburger for dinner, he lapped it all up and clearly thought it was a very special day. Oh Kodi, if only you knew.
When the vet arrived to do the dreaded deed, Kodi was relaxed in his bed in the garden, basking in the late afternoon sun. I am so grateful we were able to say goodbye to him this way, there’s no question it was sad and traumatic but it was also peaceful and respectful.
It took some time but the sadness at the loss of our bear has slowly been replaced by smiles at the memories of all the joy, love and laughter he bought to our lives.
We miss you Kodi Bear and will always carry you in our hearts ♥️🐾

Kodi was a beautiful spirit. I will NEVER forget our days in the Walnut Creek office. I brought my little Zoey (rest in peace) and then came Angel. It is so emotional (bittersweet) to think back on those few years we all had together. Kodi and Zoey will never leave our memories or our hearts. <3<3<3
Oh I wish Mira would have been able to have Kodi as a great mentor. Beautiful memories of our beloved Aero are reawakened in your tribute to Kodi.