We opened the curtains this morning and saw a little more of the volcano…it’s teasing us!
We drove to the park and spent a few hours hiking the trails. We saw lava flows, amazingly huge fig trees and our first coati which we were very excited about, little did we know that within 24 hours we would see them everywhere.

After hiking around, we drove to a volcano viewpoint wondering if it was worth the side trip since all we were likely to see was cloud but as is often the case for us, Mother Nature was being kind and we had a few minutes where the clouds cleared almost entirely and only the very tip was obscured. Better than most visitors get!
On the way back we bought some fried chicken from a local hole in the wall and went back to our room to sit and enjoy the view from our patio, eat fried chicken and drink beer.
We relaxed for the afternoon in the thermal pools where we were joined by the most magnificent green iguana who was more than happy to pose for photos.
Went for an early dinner at Bernadinos, a restaurant perched way up high on a hill with a treacherous and long driveway – during the drive up you get to see the farm animals they’ll be serving for dinner. I had lamb, Mike had steak and we had our first bottle of wine for a while which was a real treat.
The restaurant was somewhat of a weird experience, we felt like we were on the set of a murder mystery movie; we were the only guests and the waiters were very awkward, trying to please but not really knowing what they were doing. The food was good but we won’t be hurrying back.
Another post-dinner soak in the thermal pools, this time without the iguana. My skin has never felt better!!